twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Just watched my first multi angle fancam wtf I'm shooketh Source: shohei 2019.10.18 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 FFS Everytime I try to play PS4 games always always there's an update c'mon I was so ready Source: shohei 2019.10.18 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 I had Papa John's pizza and it's my fave like seriously I had it when I went to this country.... And they opened in my c... 2019.10.18 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Seriously Yankees fan are shit gtfo … Source: shohei 2019.10.18 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 It was pretty bad Source: shohei 2019.10.18 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 I love the California Angels logo and the old school jersey … Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 That's true he said some really not so good quote on Fletch I can't seem to remember Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @dinocaprino Brian Caprino Thank God. I’m glad he is a fan of Fletch. Maddon will make a great connection with the players, unlike Ausmus. Let go o... 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Fletcher love Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Oh damn Ohtani wanted to ride a bike too … Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Yessss Fletcher getting the LOVE Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @HalosBeisbol JOE MADDON SZN Yeah they should bring those back and make my favorites, the 80’s throwbacks, the Sunday jerseys Source: shohei 2019.10.17 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Dayyyuuum Shohei getting paid 2.5M dollars for hew Seiko ads yessssss Source: shohei 2019.10.16 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Guys I'm watching a Japanese documentary about a Japanese gymnastics coach and his Filipino pupil and now he became a wo... 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Guys this is amazing the Japanese coach basically does everything like cooking and they live together and he even teache... 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 My week on Twitter : 13 Mentions, 308 Likes, 18 Retweets, 4.49K Retweet Reach, 11 Replies. See yours with … Source: sh... 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Worst thing ever that happened I dropped on of my airpods in a packed airplane and ofc I couldn't find it so I had to wa... 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Our biggest fans this week: TKN951, JEllisP, gizemayaslier. Thank you! via … Source: shohei 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani arriving at the Japan day event #大谷翔平 #throwback © Source: shohei 2019.10.15 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 I miss Angels baseball Source: shohei 2019.10.14 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Same my school starts at 7am and I still have nightmares … Source: shohei 2019.10.14 twitter
twitter @hdz0616 Lily He truly does. Boxes and boxes of letters and gifts. Easy to spot his locker. Source: shohei 2019.10.14 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 💤大谷翔平 Ohtani gets a lot of letters and package read them boy go to your locker now … Source: shohei 2019.10.14 twitter