twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Ugh seriously Nam Joohyuk is so bad at acting it's ruining this drama even Sohyun and Sungjae can't save this Wtf bri... 2019.09.24 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Wtf I seriously didn't realized it's 4:20 am Damn it's my SJ's fault Source: shohei 2019.09.24 twitter
twitter @human52753 Future Climate Refugee Othani's fans are always forgiven Source: shohei 2019.09.24 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Lmao my English is so bad let's forget this tweet Source: shohei 2019.09.24 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 I ways wonder how did fans know he will be there signing did they just brought his jersey just in 2019.09.24 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Handsome Source: shohei 2019.09.23 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Lmao why do sports Athlete look at my stories I think my account is suggested because I follow a lot of them Source: s... 2019.09.23 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 My meme Source: shohei 2019.09.22 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Source: shohei 2019.09.22 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 If Fletcher can get the cycle Only him and shohei would do it for the Angels 94' boys Source: shohei 2019.09.22 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 My dream is to see my man etcher and Ohtani in the all Source: shohei 2019.09.22 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Fletcher is the best player on the Angels right now I'm so proud Source: shohei 2019.09.22 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 I mean it was 1 for lunch and 2 for dinner He's on keto diet because of his seizures Source: shohei 2019.09.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 .@Angels do this for Shohei ffs … Source: shohei 2019.09.21 twitter
twitter @Nt4Up ニモクラッシュ I'm kurousapon.Good luck V&Mさん Source: shohei 2019.09.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 I dunno why so many people are looking at my stories plus verified accounts are they hacked Source: shohei 2019.09.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 This gif is so Source: shohei 2019.09.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 I'm just thinking right now should I go to China have dimsum Source: shohei 2019.09.20 twitter
twitter @shohei_the_loml 🍒 OHTANI NOTICED ME Especially at the end of dim sum Source: shohei 2019.09.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 We need to win there's too many wife beater a on that team Source: shohei 2019.09.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Me to Shohei Source: shohei 2019.09.19 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 As a tall person I totally applaud Shohei from breaking the mold were tall people always stand at the back He is the ta... 2019.09.19 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 😭大谷翔平 Sungjae won the goggles a 3x Olympic medalist used during Olympics Source: shohei 2019.09.19 twitter