twitter @yuzushanyu jenn ⛸ Yea but sadly he gets lots of shit from right wingers and even many death threats bc his party is left and hes gay Sour... 2020.04.25 twitter
twitter @yuzushanyu jenn ⛸ rob jetten, hes the leader of one of the bigger dutch political parties Source: shohei 2020.04.25 twitter
twitter @baeinbaek Aunty-L 🙋🏻 Omg.... shohei from the era of samurais Source: shohei 2020.04.19 twitter
twitter @ifdrewaretheone drew. You gave me a few Source: shohei 2020.04.19 twitter
twitter @Miz_07821 Mizuno🌷 Our biggest fans this week: shoheisaveus, xindoleyokzany, Shohei17Ohtani. Thank you! via … S... 2020.04.08 twitter
twitter @kneedtoknows kenny boomboom Looks wide open Source: shohei 2020.03.30 twitter
twitter @baeinbaek Aunty-L 🙋🏻 and he has permission to take my heart with him Source: shohei 2020.03.29 twitter
twitter @JerpaDerpa Hell Yeah I’m The Awkwardest If I had to guess I’d say the first one, the throw, is real, and the batted one isn’t. There’s a lot more “shake” effec... 2020.03.26 twitter
twitter @ChuckRichter70 Chuck Richter @Bella8lkf @MandyMandi3 @shoheisaveus @ohtanicrepe your boy entered the @Angels Top-50 Greatest Moments list at #21. Che... 2020.03.24 twitter
twitter @FletchWasSafe 👼🏻👼🏼👼🏽👼🏾👼🏿 No wonder he needed tommy john, his arm is like a beautiful noodle Source: shohei 2020.03.22 twitter
twitter @driftingpixels Chad – RIP Tyler Skaggs I thank you for your Shohei content providing service Source: shohei 2020.03.21 twitter
twitter @HaloHangout Halo Hangout Has Shohei Ohtani changed his throwing motion? A Japanese video translated by @shoheisaveus highlights a potential diff... 2020.03.19 twitter
twitter @hopeIegacy yu-chan 🌸 gayming hiatus You don't know who Shohei is???!? 1?2??2?2? … Source: shohei 2020.03.18 twitter