twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 大谷翔平選手 Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @DemarioDino Mudshark2 @Angels @talk_angels @MikeTrout @AllStarGame If he’s in the HR Derby this AllStar break he’ll win guaranteed... Source:... 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @Canelohhh Anthony Jung 🇰🇿 Dayum my boy been hitting the gym Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @Ferndogg714 Fernando V Looks about right don't you all think? Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @matthews_stu Stu Matthews Good Godzilla! Shohei's a monster! Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @2EP0L Mandy Lopez™ No way Ohtani gets that swole. Plus I already saw him at spring training. Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 Lol he's big even in Japan just a bad photo in 2018 lol he lost a bit of weight and gained it 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani is in TikTok now thanks to fox sports west lol I like it Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 He lost a bit of weight early 2018 but he gained it back through the season Spring training 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @ImAdrianPadilla adrian. a new man to stan ugh Source: shohei 2020.02.21 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 I'm going to miss robohtani Source: shohei 2020.02.20 twitter
twitter @senti_milk センチメンションミルク 「なんもせず自然に筋肉が付くなんて、ドーピングしかあり得ねえだろwwwアイツ阿呆なこと言ってると思わないかwww」 って意味じゃない? 大体あってるはず。 Source: shohei 2020.02.20 twitter
twitter @ManyJimanGohan 自己顕示欲が強い孫悟飯 凄い筋肉の成長ですね! まるで精神と時の部屋に入ったあとのトランクスさんですよ! そのトランクスさんに圧勝したセルを倒したのが10歳の時の僕です。 Source: shohei 2020.02.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 I like the one arm sleeves instead of 2 sleeves he wears Source: shohei 2020.02.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 Let me revise the photo I used in 2018 was like early 2018 That pic you used is later months 2018 heehhe Source: shoh... 2020.02.20 twitter
twitter @shoheisaveus Ohtani 🏃💨大谷翔平 Never 2019 he was getting big but not this big Source: shohei 2020.02.20 twitter